Eurasia Canal

The Eurasia Canal (Russian: Канал "Евразия", Kanal "Evraziya") is a proposed 700-kilometre (430 mi) long canal connecting the Caspian Sea to the lower Black Sea along the Kuma-Manych Depression, which is often considered the border between Europe and Asia. Currently, a chain of lakes and reservoirs and the shallow irrigation Kuma-Manych Canal are found along this route.

The canal is intended to provide a shorter route for shipping than the existing Volga-Don Canal system of waterways; it would also require fewer locks (or lower-rise locks) than the Volga-Don route.

Manych Ship Canal is the existing canal system that would be the likely route for the Eurasian Canal.


Potential shipping route

The route of the canal, as usually proposed,[1] would follow the thalweg (the lowest-ground line) of the Kuma-Manych Depression. From the Caspian Sea westward, the canal route would follow:


As the highest point of this route is merely 27 meters above the level of the Sea of Azov and 54 m above that of the Caspian Sea, the preliminary design presented by the Hydraulic Facilities Safety Expert Center "GIDROTEKHEXPERTIZA" (Экспертный центр по безопасности гидротехнических сооружений "Гидротехэкспертиза")[2], proposes the construction of 3-4 low-rise ship locks on the western slope and 3 mid-rise or 6 low-rise locks on the eastern slope. The option involving the construction of 6 low-rise locks on the eastern slope of the watershed can significantly reduce volume of earthwork and lower by one-third the need for fresh water, which is approximately precalculated as 1.5 cubic km.

This compares favorably with the 13 locks of the existing Volga-Don Canal, where ships use 9 locks to rise 88 m from the Volga to the canal's highest point, and then 4 more locks to descend 44 m to the Don's Tsimlyansk Reservoir.

Water supply

The Kuma-Manych depression area is quite arid, with the annual precipitation no more than 400 mm (in the western section) and 200 mm (in the eastern section).[3] To operate a shipping canal with its locks, a significant additional supply of fresh water is necessary. Three options for providing it are being considered:

It should be noted that by supplying the Manych Waterway with the fresh water from the Volga using the first or the second option can compensate to Sea of Azov for the volume of fresh water that is now lost by the Don River to the locks of the Volga-Don Ship Canal.


The Soviet Government made a decision to construct the Manych Waterway connecting Black sea and Caspian Seas over the Kuma-Manych Depression in May 1932. In the same year construction work started in the West Manych River Valley. According to construction project, as it stood in 1936, the shipping route consisted of three section. The first, western section – from the Don River to the Chogray Reservoir on the East Manych, 448 km long – was planned as a cascade of reservoirs. The torages); the second section – from the Chogray Dam to the Kuma River – was to be built as a canal with the water depth of 3 m, the width of the bottom 67 m, and the length of 73 km. The third, eastern, section, 150 km long, was intended as free-flow navigable and irrigation canal (along the lower course of the Kuma) reaching a port on the Caspian coast. Of these three sections, only the first one was ever built.

By 1941, the cascade of dams on the West Manych was completed. It created three reservoirs, in the following (east to west) order: Proletarsk (Proletarskoye) Reservoir (Пролетарское водохранилище), 150 km long, Vesyolovsk (Vesyolovskoe) Reservoir (Весёловское водохранилище), 100 km long, and Ust'-Manych (Ust'-Manychskoye) Reservoir (Усть-Манычское водохранилище), 62 km long.[4] The uppermost reservoir of the cascade, the Proletarskoye, is in fact connected with the source of the Western Manych, Lake Manych-Gudilo, the Proletarsk dam raising the water level in the lake. This system of reservoirs and ship locks creates the so-called Manych Waterway, 329 km long but only 1.3 m deep. It is still used for shipping, but on a very minor scale.

With the outbreak of the Second World War further construction of the Manych Ship Canal was suspended. After the war, destroyed or damaged dams and locks of the shipping canal were reconstructed, but the plans for continuing the construction further eastward were canceled, since the much deeper Volga-Don Shipping Canal was built instead, and the existing demands for freight transport did not justify building the second canal between the Caspian and the Black/Azov Sea basins.

Further east, on the East Manych River (which flows east), the Chogray Reservoir, 48.8 km long, was constructed in 1969-1973, but at this time the focus was on the irrigation, not shipping.

Recent developments

The Russian government's interest in the improvements of the waterways between the Caspian basin and that of the Azov and Black Seas - which may or may not involve the Eurasia Canal route - is due to the increasing volumes of cargo traffic between the Volga-Caspian basin and the European countries, and the inadequacy of the existing facilities of the Volga-Don Canal for handling the expected cargo flows. The proponents of the project refer to the study of freight shipping in southern Russia by the Central Research Institute of Economy and Water Transport Exploitation (Russian: Центральный научно-исследовательский институт экономики и эксплуатации водного транспорта (ЦНИИЭВТ), CNIIEVT), a research center of Russia's Ministry of Transport.[5] This study predicts significant growth in the demand for freight transportation, in particular for liquid cargoes, between the Caspian region and the ports of Southern and Central Europe. The study also suggests that a significant amount of cargo shipped between the Asian countries and Western Europe can be redirected to use the canal as well.[1][6]

On June 15, 2007, President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan proposed the Eurasia Canal project to build a canal connecting the Caspian and Black Seas at the 17th Foreign Investors’ Council Meeting in Ust-Kamenogorsk. The project was estimated to cost US$6 billion and take 10 years to complete.[7][8]

If built, the nearly 700 km (430 mi) Eurasia Canal would be four times longer than the Suez Canal and eight times longer than the Panama Canal. President Nazarbayev stated that the canal would make Kazakhstan a maritime power and benefit many other Central Asian nations as well.[7] Russia has proposed an alternative plan to upgrade the existing Volga-Don Canal[9]

In June 2009 President of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov signed a protocol of intentions with Chinese SINOHYDRO Corporation about cooperation in the issue of the construction of the Manych Ship Canal - Eurasia Canal [10]

Proposed design details

Preliminary design for the Eurasia Canal has been carried out by a number of engineering firms in Russia in the early 2000s.[1]

The West Manych river before became regulated was consisted of 15 small lakes, connected with narrow streams. After spring flood, Manych quickly became shallow because the geological structure of Manych depression looks like ideal plain with “plates” and hollows scattered on it with depth, as a rule, not more than 2 m. In summer, this place often looked like flat cracked saline land, in some areas sparkling with whiteness of salt.

In the second half of twentieth century's economic use of Manych steppes became stronger. In 1948 Nevinnomyssky canal was complete and water from Kuban River began to flow to reservoirs of Manych. By summer of 1954 water level of Proletarskoe reservoir reached the altitude mark of -11,9 m and Manych-Gudilo lake became full-flowing. Water saltiness of the water system rapidly decreased, lakes became filled up with water, many of them formed one connected system.

Filling of Manych with water, creation of water supply canals led to appearance of considerable quantity of new comfortable places for nesting and increasing of quantity of fodder resources for wading birds. During first 15–20 years after the construction of tandem reservoir system biodiversity of fish fauna was considerably increased, some species of fish gained in importance of fishery.

However, at present time because of water saltiness increase fish yields in Proletarskoe reservoir significantly decreased, even down to the minimum and fishing is possible only in mouths of rivers which fall into reservoirs. Completion of construction of canal make possible supplying of Mancy-Gudilo Lake with fresh water under human control, which can reduce water saltiness level down to best value. In result, biodiversity of fish fauna and its productivity would be increased.

With a view to intensify further economic development of the South of Russia completion of construction of the Canal proves the barest necessity. Construction of additional processing capacities for the discovered oil and gas fields on the near-Caspian territory of Russia will result in necessity to carry up to 15 million tons of cargo per annum by 2020.

In the same time, there are plans of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan for creation of processing capacities of their own, due to which the total amount of processed oil products will reach 25 mln tons. That amount most probably will be carried to Western Europe rather waterways than by railway. Also, transportation of oil from Caspian shelf oilfield to processing capacities of LUKOIL and KAZMUNAIGAZ on the Black Sea shore by tankers without transshipments seems like optimal decision.

Modernization of the existing navigation canal "Volga-Don" can only meet the requirements of Russian companies. Thus, aware of the impossibility to convey cargo from the Caspian states to Western Europe through the existing and prospective Russian transport routes by 2020, their representatives are sure to lead negotiations on construction of a transport corridor through Azerbaijan to the Georgian seaports in the Black Sea or through Iran to the Persian Gulf.

It is in the national interests of Russia to create an cost-beneficial universal transport route that could satisfy all the requirements of the economically developing Caspian countries. If Russia abandons construction of the Manych Ship Canal, it is unlikely to be able to provide competitive cargo tariffs and, thus, is sure to lose considerable part of profits from transit of cargo of expanding economies of countries of Caspian region.

For the South of Russia completion of construction of the Canal can become a key factor of formation of industrial clusters connected to the shipping route (territories of Republics of Kalmykia and Dagestan, Stavropol and Krasnodarsky Territories, Rostov and Astrakhan regions)

The fresh water from the Canal will increase watering of arid areas and, thereby, yields of agriculture and husbandry. It is possible to construct a hydroelectric pumped storage power plants on the base of facilities of the Canal. Such power plants could significantly increase operating benefits of wind-driven powerplants planned to be constructed in Republic of Kalmykia and Stavropol Territory.

Implementation of the project will shorten delivery time and cut down transport expenses, which is sure to contribute to the competitive ability of the Russian transport network. Construction and maintenance of the Canal will promote further development of the regional productive forces, i.e. establishment of new enterprises and, thus, new workplaces in the regions with a high unemployment rate; will reduce social tension and extend the taxable basis.

In conclusion, if one compares possible consequences of ecocatastrophes to appear while transporting oil and oil-products by tankers with capacity of 5 000 tons along the Manych Ship Canal and Volga-Don Waterway, it is evident that negative influence on the unique natural complex of the Volga-Akhtuba inter-river area is sure to be more severe, for out of strong current along the navigation part of the river and numerous shoals and ducts it is almost impossible to localize an oil patch.

In case of shipwreck (as a result of any cause) of tanker freight-carrying capacity of 5000 tons with oil spillage, for example, near Volgograd, whole lower part of Volga including protected areas and nature reserves would suffer catastrophic damage. The same is fair for lower part of Don. So, just because of that, it must be forbidden to use of tankers with capacity over 5 000 tons for transportation of oil and oil-products without extreme necessity along the natural waterways, including Volga-Don Waterway.

On the Manych Ship Canal a such shipwreck will lead to local limited extent pollution between shipping locks. System of locks would allow to control flow velocity and reduce a speed of oil patch spread down to minimum and quickly remove results of oil spill.

Also it must be noticed, that during period of 30 years water level of Caspian Sea can vary within 4 m. In case of recession of water level of Caspian Sea down to true altitude of -29 m depths of the lower Volga would decrease and it would be very difficult to maintain a planned dimension of ship movement via this part of Volga-Don Waterway.

In the same time, level of shipping lock of Manych Ship Canal near Caspian Sea can be designed with a glance to water level fluctuation.

Analysis of influence of the Manych Ship Canal on closely guarded natural areas and districts with controlled regime of economical activity in the Republic of Kalmykia

The proposed conceptual project of a new water transport connection is not only an important part of the prospective national transport system (to serve internal and international cargo traffic, including transportation of the Caspian oil) but is a multipurpose water-resources scheme with huge economic potential for the region.

It is evident that construction of a canal in the arid zone should be preceded by fundamental studies of prospective consequences of the designed engineering and construction works for the environment. Implementation of the project is connected with considerable earth excavation when laying the canal track.

The actual environmental impact statement can be presented on design stage only. Minimization of the negative ecological impact can be provided if only separate design companies and experts co-ordinate their technical decisions. Some scientists also make wrong assumptions that the salt waters of the Azov Sea can fall into the Canal.

According to the project concept the watershed point is in Chograi reservoir; fresh waters along the western slope (27 m) go down to the Don and along the eastern slope (54 m) - to the Caspian Sea. Thus, the whole canal track will be filled with fresh water.

In general negative consequences for the environment of the South of Russia are insignificant. The positive consequences of implementation of the project are as follows:

1. Creation of prerequisites for social and economic, agricultural, industrial development, development of nature conservation and fish processing industry in the adjacent regions of Kalmykia, Dagestan, Stavropol krai and Rostov oblast.

2. Improvement of water supply in the arid zone. Nowadays every 4-th citizen of the coastal zone in Republic of Kalmykia suffers from kidney affection caused by saline subsoil water and transfer of salt by wind from the area adjacent to the Manych Lake. After construction of Manych Ship Canal it will be possible to supply Manych-Gudilo Lake with fresh water under human control, which can reduce water saltiness level down to best value.

3. Investigations of the local ecosystems increase of assessments for nature conservation.

4. Job growth, creation of workplaces, outflow cease of able-bodied population, influx of qualified specialists from other regions and cities.

5. Widening of the existing social infrastructure (dwelling houses, kindergartens, educational institutions, hospitals, benefits of culture, etc.), improvement of state of people's health, optimization of the demographic and environmental situations in the region.

The mentioned engineering and construction measures and implementation of the project in general can even extenuate the existing negative processes in the Manych-Chograi ecosystem. Thus, to foresee all the aspects of environmental safety in the arid zone of the South of Russia basic research on prognostics and modeling of climatic volatility is required.

It should be mentioned, that if the canal is fed from the area of permanently fresh waters near the mouth of the Volga river via pumping water up along the eastern cascade of the main canal it would be possible to use plans of construction of wind-electric set for power supply of pumps.

For water supply of processes of locking on the canal amount of electricity power of 60 MW will be enough. Such amount can be provided by construction of 30 wind-electric sets with output of 3 MW each. In the variant of construction of the Canal using 6 locks it meets the construction of 10 sets near every of 3 locks on the eastern slope of the Canal. Besides of that, it will be possible to use return part of energy during lockage. Thereby, facilities of the Canal can be used for reserving water on the upstream of the Canal for power generation according to pumped-storage hydroelectricity scheme in time of peak level of electricity consumption and zero-wind condition. Thus, this Canal can become the first really ecological hydraulic structure of a such scale on the territory of Russia. In addition, the Canal can minimize negative effect to nature made by our predecessors. Completion of construction of Manych Ship Canal can become an example of comprehensive approach on the development of arid area in the world of today. This assessment is preliminary and must become more concrete after conducting proper comprehensive ecological and engineer researches of the area through which the canal track will be laid, after the planned engineering solution and the operating regime of the Canal.

Completion of construction of Manych Ship Canal, which will link Caspian and Azov Seas and provide an outlet to World Ocean for South of Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Northern part of Iran, must become an important factor of developing of whole Southern Federal District.

In contrast to pipeline transportation, water transport allows to ship all types of cargo, including products of hydrocarbon process industry, which cannot be transported by pipelines or such transporting of which is not profitable. Ship canal would become an important factor of developing of manufacturing industry of the South of Russia (Republics of Kalmykia and Dagestan, Stavropol and Krasnodarskiy Territories, Rostov and Astrakhan Regions). Oil and gas processing, chemical industry and other export-oriented productions can get a high-power development impulse.

Decrease of unemployment rate also would be one of the most important results of completion of construction of the Manych Ship Canal. Southern Federal District is the most problem region of Russia with a view to the employment of population, and that is one of the causes of social tensions growth.

Lack of employment leads to the drift of the population away from the region while a narrow range of choice of needed professions, as a rule, limited to agriculture and husbandry, brings highly skilled specialists, among them graduates of the best colleges or universities of Russia, to look for a job away from home. Therewith, present rates of birth and natality of the South of Russia, the highest in Russian Federation, allow us to suggest future aggravation of the problem of employment if the present situation does not change. Completion of construction of the Canal will lead to the emergence of considerable quantity of new jobs in production, formed by the influence of operation of the Canal (oil processing / refining, chemical industry, other export-oriented productions) and in the process of construction and operation of the navigational route directly. It should be mentioned, that creation of new jobs in productive industry leads to increasing of number of employees in service industries.

The fresh water from the Canal would favour the increasing of productivity of agriculture and husbandry. Desalinization of strongly saline water bodies on which the canal route goes will significantly improve qualitative composition and rack up yields of fishery.

Completion of construction of Manych Ship Canal will lead to emergence of manufacturing activities, significant decrease of unemployment rate, normalization of migration situation, increasing of incomes and improving the well-being of the people.

Scientific and technical aspects to feasibility studies of new water and land routes have always been relevant for the densely populated South of Russia. From this viewpoint the intentions to construct a navigation canal should be thoroughly studied lest there should be any environmentally negative consequences. It is evident that total estimation of possible consequences is to be held during the projecting phase. Initially the basic risk factors are as follows:

1. Increase in salinity of soil as a result of underflooding (subsoil water);

2. Possibility to bring in elements of flora and fauna which are foreign to the region;

3. Menace of oil pollution of the water basin and littoral (coastal) ecosystems.

Measures for lessening of prospective negative influence should be based on the list of the above mentioned potential menaces. Thus, to prevent further underflooding and soil salinization concreting of the canal invert and banks or other measures for decrease of percolating water losses are required. This will also help diminish intensity of abrasive processes (deterioration of the shore line).

According to the project concept, there will be no direct waterway between the Azov and Caspian seas, for the watershed is on the level of the Chograi reservoir. A complex of measures for control over the ballast waters, elaboration of technical procedure for their sterilization will greatly diminish the danger of mutual penetration of foreign fauna.

The closed reservoirs of the Kuma-Manych depression are nowadays over-mineralized which results in soil salinization of the adjacent areas and appearance of unusable agricultural areas. Inflow of water is sure to lead to less mineralization of water and as a part of it- partial desalinization of the soil.

To prevent oil pollution the barest necessity is to strictly observe of the existing regulations for tanker oil transportation. Absence of constant current and the designed system of waterworks installations are to facilitate localization of oil patches and other types of surface pollution and removal of its consequences. 500 of 700 km of the designed canal track passes through the existing reservoirs, and, in fact, requires deepening of the canal invert.

Minimization of the environmentally negative impact can be provided if only separate design companies and environment experts co-ordinate their technical decisions and strictly observe the technical regulations and norms. Taking into account the above mentioned, consider that implementation of the project on construction of the navigation canal "Eurasia" is feasible and will not have environmentally negative consequences.

The most probable technical parameters of Eurasia Canal are 6.5 m in depth, 110 m in width and more than 75 mln tons per year of traffic capacity. The Canal is envisaged for the passage of the vessels with a freight-carrying capacity of up to 10000 tons [11]


  1. ^ a b c "КАНАЛ 'ЕВРАЗИЯ': ЗАЧЕМ И СКОЛЬКО?" ("Eurasia Canal: why, and at what cost?"), by Yulia Alekseeva. (This is an interview with Stanislav Levachev, representing a design firm working on the proposal, and contains detailed specifications for the canal as proposed.) RZhD-Partner, 31 August 2006. (Russian)
  2. ^ Прожект нечистой воды. Виктор ДАНИЛОВ-ДАНИЛЬЯН (Russian) (Includes a map of the proposed route)
  3. ^ Ivan Krymov, "От Каспийского моря к Черному" (From the Caspian to the Black Sea). Morskiye Vesti, 2008.
  4. ^ West Manych (Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences) (Russian)
  5. ^ CNIIEVT and the development of Russia's inland water transport (Russian)
  6. ^ "Манычский судоходный канал может стать Трансевразийским" ("The Manych Ship Canal Can Become Transeurasian"), by Arasha Bolaev. (this is article about the Eurasia Canal - Manych Ship Canal, and a New Transeurasian Transport Corridor between China and European Union) (Russian)
  7. ^ a b Tony Halpin (June 29, 2007). "Canal will link Caspian Sea to world", The Times.
  8. ^ Marina Kozlova (July 9, 2007). "Caspian Canal Could Boost Kazakh Trade", Business Week.
  9. ^ "Russia invites foreigners to help unlock Caspian Sea", RIA Novosti (June 15, 2007)
  10. ^ "Через всю Евразию" ("Across whole of Eurasia"), by Arasha Bolaev. (this is article about the New Transeurasian Transport Corridor between China and European Union and the Eurasia Canal - Manych Ship Canal) (Russian)
  11. ^ "Снова о Евразии - Араша Болаев" ("Again about the Eurasia Canal" - Arasha Bolaev) "Pravitelstvennaya Gazeta" (The Government Newspaper), 12 july 2008 (Russian)


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